Health Blog

5 keys to preventing slips and falls

5 keys to preventing slips and falls if you’re at risk

September 1st, 2022

There are a lot of reasons why someone might be at risk of falling: vertigo, a neurological disorder, age-related muscle degeneration. While some of these conditions aren’t “curable,” there are some things anyone can do to reduce their chances of falling. Below are five keys to preventing slips and falls if you’re at risk. No

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PT Clinic

3 benefits a PT clinic-based gym membership can have for you

August 15th, 2022

On the outside, a physical therapy clinic-based gym can seem a lot like a regular gym. Both have lots of different workout equipment and people who are interested in pushing their physical health to a better place. However, there is one key difference between a PT clinic-based gym and regular gyms. The difference lies in

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Chronic Pain Flare Up

The top 3 factors that cause chronic pain to flare up

August 1st, 2022

Are you someone who suffers from chronic pain? If so, then you know how frustrating flare-ups can be. Do yours sometimes seemingly crop up out of nowhere? Reasons for flare-ups can definitely be hard to pinpoint, but there may be a few factors that can lead to flare-ups if you have chronic pain. Keep reading

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