Three self-care tips for treating back pain

back pain and sciatica treatment

Your back can hurt for many reasons. Pain can build if you pick up an object the wrong way or if you spend too much time sitting. You may have an injury or condition that is causing pain. Either way, once your back is in pain, it’s challenging to live your daily life without your back limiting what you can or cannot do.

You should seek professional treatment if your back is in pain for more than a few days. You should also do so if the pain is severe and causes other concerning symptoms, like leg pain and nausea. Professionals, like physical therapists, can develop programs to help reduce your pain. These programs can also help you develop the strength and flexibility of your muscles and ligaments to help support your spine.

You can also help reduce your pain and encourage healing with a few self-care methods. To help you take care of your back pain, self-care is an option that can help. Keep in mind, these tips are generic. You should follow your physician’s or physical therapist’s instructions if they instruct you to do differently.

These three self-care tips can help with treating back pain

  1. Rest — but not too much — When you notice pain building up in your back, it’s important to rest. Continuing to work and be active while pushing through the pain can result in more pain or injury. However, don’t rest too much either. Lying around for days can actually slow down your recovery. It’s important to maintain a light level of activity like walking or exercising. Speaking of exercising …
  1. Exercise and stretch — Exercising and stretching forces your body into positions that use your core muscles and back muscles. This is important because they all play a role in supporting your spine and helping reduce back pain. These muscles can grow weak when you sit around too much, which may contribute to your pain. Make sure you avoid any exercises that make your pain worse, as this does not help you get any better.
  1. Practice your posture — Keeping your back straight goes a long way in reducing pain. If you sit a lot for work, make sure you get up every hour to stretch and walk. Keep your head up and your spine straight when sitting or standing to avoid straining the muscles that support your spine.

How can a physical therapist treat your back pain?

If you need further help, you should consult a physical therapist or other medical professional. Therapy specialists can be especially helpful if you need back pain treatment. 

They can build you an individualized physical therapy plan to fit your needs, and this plan can make use of therapy techniques like:

Schedule an appointment for back pain treatment at SSOR

Patients with severe or chronic back pain can find effective treatment at SSOR. We offer complimentary screenings to pinpoint the root cause of your back pain. In addition, our therapy specialists excel at building personalized physical therapy plans that can reduce pain and reduce the risk of recurrence. We can even help you get the care you need if you don’t have a doctor’s referral for physical therapy. 

Contact us today for more information about how we can assist you with back pain or to schedule an initial appointment.