Two ways seniors can do balance training

Balance Training for Seniors

Finding ways to train the body so that it’s easier to maintain balance is important to seniors. After all, one source reports that falls are the leading cause of fatal injuries for people 65 and older. There are entire physical therapy programs dedicated to balance training for seniors, but your balance training can also be supplemented by things you do at home. Here are two options that can help train the body to better maintain its balance: 

  1. Pilates

Pilates is one option seniors can try at home in addition to balance training from a physical therapist. This workout technique was originally developed by Joseph Pilates in the early part of the 20th century. When it comes to balance, Pilates is focused on building up your core. The core muscles are those that support your spine and pelvis, so they also have a lot to do with helping you maintain your balance. Pilates involves strengthening and lengthening these muscles, and it does so using slow, gentle movements. This type of workout helps improve the flexibility and tone of the core and other muscles, which can be useful if balance is a problem for you.

  1. Functional movement

Functional movement is a physical therapy method that can easily be practiced at home. In fact, this technique can be very useful balance training for seniors. Functional movement is based on the idea that movements you make every day are the ones you should train to do. You’ve lost some of the body’s normal function if you can’t stand up from a seated position without help. You can practice sitting down and standing up, and this can help to strengthen the muscles involved in this movement. 

This is an example of functional movement, but it could also be considered balance training for many seniors. The movement fits into both categories because the muscles that are used for sitting and standing also have a key role in helping maintain balance. There are many other functional movements you can practice at home that can count as balance training. Stepping up onto and down from a step stool would count. Even routine actions like walking can help boost the strength in muscles you need for balance. 

Find out how the specialists at SSOR can help with balance training for seniors

If you or someone you know is having issues with balance, SSOR has a team that can help you. We offer complimentary screenings, and this service can help you find out the root cause of your balance problem. Our team has experience building personalized therapy plans intended to improve balance. These plans are typically multilayered, and they may include therapy techniques like: 

Take the next step to get our help and work toward improving your balance. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.