Health Blog

what does arthritis in the knee feel like

Throbbing knee pain: What PT can do to treat it

December 21st, 2023

Are you experiencing throbbing knee pain? Persistent discomfort around the knee can significantly affect your daily life and mobility. Like other symptoms, knee pain does not typically arise spontaneously. There are many different underlying conditions that can lead to pain in the knee. Besides chronic health conditions, injuries are one of the most common sources

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Pain in Back of the Hand

Pain in back of the hand: Causes and treatments

December 15th, 2023

Hand pain, especially in the back of the hand, can be perplexing and uncomfortable. Many people who experience this kind of pain do not know why they are in pain until they receive professional care. The back of the hand is a complex region containing many muscles, bones and joints. Issues in any part of

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improve balance

How to improve balance in 6 easy steps

December 5th, 2023

Balance is a fundamental aspect of the way we move through the world. For people with gait and balance disorders, functioning in everyday tasks can become difficult. These disorders are not typically isolated conditions. Typically, they are caused by injuries or neurological conditions. If you want to address your balance issues, it is important to

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