Pain in Back of the Hand

Pain in back of the hand: Causes and treatments

December 15th, 2023

Hand pain, especially in the back of the hand, can be perplexing and uncomfortable. Many people who experience this kind of pain do not know why they are in pain until they receive professional care. The back of the hand is a complex region containing many muscles, bones and joints. Issues in any part of

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finger hurts to bend

Finger hurts to bend? Could be trigger finger

October 18th, 2023

Does it hurt to bend your finger? Experiencing any kind of hand pain can be a major inconvenience. The fingers are essential for many daily activities. If you work with your hands, finger pain can make it feel impossible to get anything done. One common cause of finger pain is trigger finger. Trigger finger is

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Postpartum Hands Hurt

3 reasons that your hands may hurt postpartum

February 1st, 2023

Postpartum aches and pains can be numerous, ranging from hip and pelvic pain to neck and back pain. While hand and wrist pain is not a postpartum symptom most would list, it can be a common symptom. In fact, about 33% of all pregnant women report hand and wrist pain. This kind of pain can

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