How to sleep more comfortably with frozen shoulder

How to Sleep With Frozen Shoulder

A frozen shoulder is a painful condition where inflammation and swelling in the shoulder joint prevents a complete range of movement. This loss of movement is accompanied by pain and stiffness that gets worse over time. Frozen shoulders can sometimes take months or even years to return to normal. While this process can be made easier through the use of physical therapy and other forms of pain relief, some people may have a difficult time sleeping due to their discomfort.

How should I sleep with a frozen shoulder?

Many people may find it uncomfortable and difficult to sleep with a frozen shoulder. But a lack of sleep will not only make you feel tired and groggy during the day, it could actually make your aching shoulder feel worse. Studies have shown that the loss of even one night’s sleep can increase the levels of inflammation in the body. 

Luckily, there are a few things physical therapists can suggest that can make it easier to sleep with a frozen shoulder.

  • Sleep on your back — Sleeping on your back can help prevent you from putting a lot of weight on your painful shoulder. This position is easy and comfortable for most people to keep throughout the night, and it can also help prevent back and neck pain.
  • Use extra pillows for support — Having extra pillows around you can prevent you from accidentally rolling onto your frozen shoulder while you sleep. Placing a cushion underneath the affected shoulder or arm may also help avoid putting any strain on the area.
  • Stretch your shoulder before bed — A physical therapist can teach you light stretches and exercises that you can do at home before bed. These can help keep your shoulder more mobile and flexible as you sleep.
  • Use a heating pad before bed — Direct heat can help improve the blood flow to your frozen shoulder, relieving pain and helping keep the muscles more flexible.

Physical therapy from SSOR can help manage the symptoms of a frozen shoulder

Living with a frozen shoulder can be a long and uncomfortable process. Thankfully, our team of trained physical therapy specialists at SSOR are well equipped and ready to help you manage your symptoms. 

We employ a number of methods to help reduce shoulder pain and increase mobility for patients suffering from a frozen shoulder. Some of these include manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and dry needling, among other effective and proven techniques.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.
