The top 5 musculoskeletal causes of chronic pelvic pain

Musculoskeletal Causes of Chronic Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is pain that occurs in the lower abdominal area and between your hips. If you’ve been experiencing pain in your pelvic region that has not gone away after weeks or even months, it may be time to turn to a physical therapist for help.

There are many reasons why you may be experiencing pelvic pain, but many of them are tied to a musculoskeletal condition. This means that the cause of your pain is due to a condition or injury to the joints, bones, muscles, and other soft tissue of the body. Once your doctor has ruled out the possibility of an infection, your physical therapist can help you to diagnose the musculoskeletal cause of your chronic pelvic pain and work with you to treat it.

What are some of the musculoskeletal causes of chronic pelvic pain?

If you are experiencing pelvic pain that won’t go away, it could be due to one of these five musculoskeletal conditions.

  1. Sprains and strains — Strains occur when the muscle fibers are stretched or torn. A sprain is when the ligaments that connect a bone or joint together have been damaged. Both strains and sprains can occur in the pelvic area due to an injury or overuse.
  1. Pelvic floor dysfunction — The muscles of the pelvic floor can sometimes become stretched too far and too quickly, causing them to lose their elasticity. This is a common occurrence among women who have recently given birth. Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction include pain in the hips and pelvic area, as well as pain during sex and poor bladder control.
  1. Repetitive stress — Overuse of the same muscle group over a long period of time can result in symptoms including pain, tenderness and stiffness. Repetitive stress in the pelvic area can be the result of poor posture during work or athletic activity.
  1. Osteoarthritis — Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between our joints wears away with age, causing the bones in our body to rub against one another. The bones in the hip and pelvic region are prone to osteoarthritis because they carry much of the body’s weight.
  1. Fibromyalgia — Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that has many symptoms. Muscle pain and soreness are two of the most common. The pain caused by fibromyalgia can occur anywhere in the body, including the pelvic area.

Where can I find physical therapy near me for chronic pelvic pain?

If you are ready to seek relief from your chronic pelvic pain, reach out to us at Specialists in Sports and Orthopedic Rehabilitation. The physical therapy experience at SSOR is unparalleled — you’ll receive personal, hands-on attention unlike what you’ll experience anywhere else. 

Our physical therapists are licensed, knowledgeable and experienced at the highest level. We have years of experience in treating the musculoskeletal conditions that can cause chronic pain in the pelvic area, as well as back pain, foot and ankle pain, and other common complaints.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment. 
