3 common pelvic alignment woes that physical therapy can treat

Pelvic Alignment Physical Therapy

You must have good pelvic alignment. The pelvis is the foundation of the spine; if it’s out of alignment, it could lead to spinal misalignment, which can cause all kinds of problems in the body.

Other common pelvic misalignment issues:

  • Lower back pain.
  • Hip pain.
  • Knee pain.
  • Sciatica


Pelvic misalignment happens when pelvic bones slip out of place. The cause of pelvic misalignment is often injuries to the pelvis or other areas of the body that interact with the pelvis, such as the hips or lower back. Though pelvic misalignment is often associated with women, men can also suffer from pelvic issues. The problem can be caused by several factors, including injury to the hip or pelvis, falls, car accidents, etc. Thankfully, pelvic alignment issues can be addressed through physical therapy through an assessment like gait analysis.


What are the types of pelvic misalignment?

There are three main types of pelvic misalignment: anterior tilt, posterior tilt and lateral tilt. However, there are also two less common types to be aware of: rotational and torsional misalignment. Let’s examine the three main types of misalignment:

  1. Anterior tilt — When your pelvis tilts forward (anteriorly), the front part of your hip bone protrudes forward while your bottom sticks out at the back. This posture forces your spine into an exaggerated curve, which can cause low back pain, neck pain and headaches.
  2. Posterior tilt — A posterior tilt is when the front part of your hip bone sags downward while the bottom sticks up at the back. This causes an exaggerated curve in your lower back, leading to pain or discomfort in this area.
  3. Lateral pelvic tilt — A left or right lateral pelvic tilt occurs when one side of your pelvis is higher than the other. This type of tilt is frustrating to correct because it generally happens due to an injury that pulls one side of your pelvis. You can tell if you have a lateral tilt if one side of your waistband sticks out more than the other side.


There are other pelvic issues that could be causing you discomfort that a physical therapist can examine the root cause.


3 ways pelvic alignment problems can be addressed through physical therapy

Pelvic alignment problems are a condition that can be treated through physical therapy. After your physical therapist does a complete assessment with you, they may choose one or more treatments for your pelvic misalignment:

  1. Manual therapy — This method is a clinical approach using skilled hands-on techniques, including manipulation/mobilization to diagnose and treat soft tissue. When manual therapy is used for pelvic issues, it mobilizes, alleviates, relaxes and lengthens the pelvic floor. It also improves blood circulation, which can reduce pain. The goal is to treat muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and joints.
  2. Biofeedback therapy — This is a simple technique but a powerful tool that helps patients learn how to train their bodies by giving them feedback about how they are moving. With biofeedback therapy, patients learn how to move correctly to reduce their pain or other symptoms and improve their overall health.
  3. Dry needling — The goal of this method is to reduce muscle tension, which helps in maintaining proper posture by increasing pelvic alignment. Increased blood flow to muscles, which improves muscle functions such as movement and balance, is also a benefit of dry needling.


SSOR provides effective treatment for pelvic alignment woes with physical therapy

Do you suffer from pelvic pain? It may be because of pelvic misalignment. Our team of physical therapists at SSOR is ready and willing to help you treat your pain. You can begin your therapy process with us by signing up for a free screening. Additionally, our team includes specialists who excel at building individualized therapy plans intended to help realign your pelvis, reduce pelvic pain and support your recovery journey.


Contact us today for more information about how we can treat your pelvic pain or to schedule an initial appointment.