Arthritis We see lots of patients who have pain due to arthritis at SSOR. People fear the word arthritis because the vision it causes is a frail, elderly person limping around. Arthritis can start early in life actually depending on your history of injury, surgeries, activity levels, and bodyweight. We often tell our patients
IT Band Syndrome What is the IT Band? The iliotibial (IT) band is fascial tissue that runs from your gluteals to your knee on the outside of your leg. When thinking about muscles and fascia, think about a sliced orange. As you slice an orange, the “orange” itself is the muscle and the white part
Running Compression Shorts Athletes are always looking for an “edge” on the competition. Runners especially are always looking for ways to enhance their training or shave a few seconds off their times. Compression shorts are one way that athletes in both team sports and individual sports like running use to help with recovery and performance.