Physical Therapy for Neck Pain The physical therapists at SSOR use analogies on a regular basis to help make the complex simple for our patients. A person’s health is deeply personal and sometimes the terminology and the sea of information can be overwhelming and intimidating. When it comes to neck pain, our approach is simple
3 Easy Tips for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury Prevention Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL ) injuries…ugh. Arguably, one of the top three hottest topics in sports medicine (concussion and Tommy John surgery being the other two). ACL injuries can end a season and sometimes a career. Many athletes have repeat tears as well. Lost time,
5 Tips for Parents of Young Athletes to Maximize Sports Performance The staff at SSOR has the opportunity to work with people of all ages everyday. That said, our young athletes are truly a joy to work with because of their drive to succeed and willingness to listen and learn. All of us thrive on