A frozen shoulder is a painful condition where inflammation and swelling in the shoulder joint prevents a complete range of movement. This loss of movement is accompanied by pain and stiffness that gets worse over time. Frozen shoulders can sometimes take months or even years to return to normal. While this process can be made
Osteoporosis and osteoarthritis are both conditions that affect millions of Americans. While they may sound similar, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis affect the body in very different ways. One thing that they both have in common is that they have the potential to cause pain and discomfort, as well as a loss of flexibility and mobility in
According to the National Floor Safety Institute, 1 of every 3 people each year in the United States over the age of 65 will experience a fall. Many of these falls will result in injuries, including fractures to the leg or hip, ankle or other sprains, and head injuries such as concussions. While some of