Arthritis. Fibromyalgia. Untreated sports injuries. All these can cause internal inflammation that can wreak havoc on your health. You may already be seeing a physical therapist for inflammation-related health issues, such as arthritis. Even if you just generalized pain in your back and joints, physical therapy can help. One treatment option that your physical therapist
Lifting weights for hours. Doing long jogging sessions. Playing sports for hours at a time. These are what many people think of when they picture staying active. Although these options have their place, there are other, simpler ways you can stay active every day. In fact, even small changes to your daily routine can lead
Taking leisurely walks in the park. Exploring museums and outdoor sights on vacation. Making it through the whole workday. Arthritis can affect your ability to do these and many other things. In fact, millions of Americans are currently feeling the effects of arthritis. It’s estimated that more than 54 million people in the U.S. are