Lower back pain when running: Here’s what to do

Lower Back Pain When Running

Experiencing lower back pain whenever you go running? This kind of pain can have a major impact on your athletic routine. Going for a run is an excellent way to stay fit. For some people, though, it can play a role in triggering lower back pain. In addition to discomfort, you might feel discouraged by your pain. If you want to keep running without worrying about pain, finding a solution is important. Physical therapy can be a great way to address your symptoms.

Lower back pain when running can have many different causes. If your pain started suddenly, it may be the result of an injury. More gradual causes include poor footwear and underlying health conditions. In order to receive effective treatment, it is important to have an accurate understanding of your condition. A physical therapy assessment can be a great way to determine the source of your pain. After your initial evaluation, you can receive treatment tailored to your needs. Physical therapy can help relieve lower back pain when running in a variety of ways. 

Ways to address lower back pain when running

  • Gait improvement — Want to boost your running performance while addressing your pain? Improving your gait can help. Your physical therapy treatment plan will be designed with your needs and priorities in mind. With a running gait analysis, your physical therapist can identify gait issues. For many people, these issues are a major source of back pain. Identifying your weaknesses and limitations when running can empower you to focus on improving your fitness in these areas. Essential aspects of running gait include proper posture and cadence. Your physical therapist can offer expert guidance as you work to improve your running performance and overall health.
  • Focused exercises — As a runner, exercises may already be part of your daily routine. However, your current exercises might not help address your back pain. Some exercises can even be counterproductive when it comes to pain management. With physical therapy, you can participate in exercises focused on your condition. Your physical therapist will design an exercise regimen designed to target the source of your pain. Prescribed exercises may range from hamstring stretches to exercises focused on core strengthening. Physical therapy exercises can have many benefits, often improving flexibility and strength while helping to alleviate pain.
  • Manual therapy Manual therapy offers a hands-on approach to treating lower back pain. When running causes pain, a gentle expert touch can be key to finding relief. Back pain is often caused by abnormalities in an individual’s reflexes. Neuromuscular reflex issues can contribute to larger structural issues throughout the body. Symptoms can range from back pain to stiffness along the spine. One top treatment for reflex issues is a manual therapy technique called strain-counterstrain. With the strain-counterstrain method, a physical therapist can reset the muscles that are causing pain. Other proven manual therapy techniques may be effective for your condition as well.
  • Staying hydrated — Hydration and rest are crucial to recovery. If you are experiencing lower back pain when running, it is important to cut back on your physical activity. Continuing to push through the pain can further complicate your condition. Adequate rest helps allow your body to recover and repair. When you do engage in athletic activities, make sure to keep your body hydrated. Dehydration can lead to muscle cramps and tension. These are leading factors in causing lower back pain when running. By drinking enough water and other hydrating beverages throughout the day, you can reduce the risk of future muscle pain.
  • Hot and cold therapy — Looking to stay comfortable while working toward a long-term solution? Hot and cold therapy can help. By applying heat and cold to your lower back, you may be able to reduce your pain levels. Your physical therapist can help advise you on how to apply this therapy. Hot and cold therapy is a technique typically used at home between clinical sessions. By maintaining your treatment at home, you can help ensure that your progress stays consistent.

SSOR can help treat your lower back pain when running

Ready to find relief from your lower back pain when running? You can find expert help at SSOR (Specialists in Sports and Orthopedic Rehabilitation). Our team is skilled in a range of treatment methods designed to help you stay comfortable on your feet. With the one-on-one guidance of a licensed clinician, you can work toward improved health and long-term pain relief.

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.