Recovering from a grade 3 ankle sprain in Shawnee, KS

Sprained Ankle Recovery Time

It’s not uncommon for people in Shawnee, Kansas, to sprain an ankle while playing sports or doing other physical activities like walking downstairs. Ankle sprains are a common type of injury in the U.S. that affects thousands of Americans every day. 

Ankle sprain recovery times tend to depend on the extent of your injury. Grade one sprains may recover after a week but grade three sprain can take much more time. 

Why are grade three ankle sprain recovery times so long?

Grade three sprains are more serious than grade one and two sprains. You usually need a lot of time to recover from grade three sprains due to factors like: 

  • Severe ligament damage — All ankle sprains involve some overstretching or tearing of an ankle ligament, but grade three sprains have the most severe ligament damage. Often, an ankle ligament is torn almost all the way through. In the worst-case scenario, the affected ligament has been torn completely. 
  • Brace or cast required — Grade three ankle sprains typically require wearing a cast or brace to support the ankle as it heals. Most people will have to wear such stability devices for several weeks as part of the recovery process. 
  • Surgery may be needed — Surgery might be required to repair the damage to your ankle ligament. It’s especially likely if your ligament has torn completely. Doctors might also recommend surgery after an ankle sprain if part of the bone the injured ligament is attached to has cracked and peeled back. This is called an avulsion fracture. 

How long could it take for my grade three ankle sprain to recover?

If you have a grade three ankle sprain, you’re in for a long recovery period. In the best-case scenario, this level of ankle sprain will take at least three months to heal, but your recovery time is likely to be even longer if you need ankle surgery. Patients who require surgery typically face at least six months of recovery before they can return to normal activities like playing sports. 

Who has an increased risk of spraining their ankle?

Some people have a greater risk of spraining their ankle due to risk factors, including: 

  • Walking or running on uneven surfaces
  • Having previously injured your ankle
  • Poor ankle strength and flexibility
  • Wearing shoes that don’t fit properly
  • Having a balance and gait disorder
  • Frequently participating in physically demanding activities like sports

Visit SSOR in Shawnee to get help treating a sprained ankle

Are you dealing with a mild, moderate or severe ankle sprain? Our team at SSOR in Shawnee can help you find physical therapy that can reduce your recovery time. We offer complimentary screenings that can help reveal the severity of your sprain. Our team can then build you an individualized treatment plan. 

Need to have surgery to repair ligaments damaged by your sprain? We can help you recover from that too with a post-surgical rehab plan that’s personalized to your needs. 

Contact us today for more information about how we can help your ankle sprain or to schedule an initial appointment.