5 PT techniques that can improve SI joint pain while pregnant

April 1st, 2024

During pregnancy, there are a lot of changes that happen in your body. All of these changes are to help accommodate your growing baby. A change in your hormones can affect your sacroiliac (SI) joint. This joint connects your sacrum, the triangular bone at the base of your spine, to the iliac bones, the large

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Why does my neck crack so much? 3 possible causes

March 13th, 2024

You’re bound to crack your joints every once in a while, whether it be on purpose or by accident. It’s possible to “crack” or “pop” most joints in the human body, but some are more common than others, such as your knuckles or your neck. If you feel like your neck is cracking an unusual

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6 things to know about how work hardening programs are carried out

March 7th, 2024

If you’ve been injured on the job, then proper recovery is essential. It’s important that you don’t return to work too early, because you don’t want to risk the symptoms flaring up again or causing more severe damage to your body. There are many programs that are designed to help workers stay safe and healthy

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