What does arthritis in the knee feel like?

what does arthritis in the knee feel like

Arthritis in the knee is a common and often debilitating condition that affects 365 million people worldwide. The knee joint is a weight-bearing joint and can be susceptible to arthritis. Arthritis can cause pain, stiffness and reduced mobility. Knee arthritis can affect your ability to do your routine tasks. While there is no cure for this condition, there are several ways to help manage it, including physical therapy. 

Symptoms of knee arthritis 

Arthritis in the knee can manifest in a variety of ways, and the symptoms can vary from person to person. Common symptoms of knee arthritis can include:

  • Persistent pain — One of the most common symptoms of knee arthritis is persistent pain in and around the knee joint. This pain can be described as a dull ache that worsens during weight-bearing activities or movement.

  • Stiffness — People with knee arthritis may experience frequent stiffness. Stiffness usually happens after periods of inactivity, like waking up in the morning or sitting for a prolonged time. Stiffness can make it challenging to bend or fully straighten your leg.

  • Swelling — Inflammation in the knee joint can cause swelling. This swelling is a source of discomfort and can also contribute to a lower range of motion.

  • Cracking or popping sounds — Some people with knee arthritis can hear or feel a crackling or popping sound when moving the affected knee. These noises can be a sign that the cartilage in the knee is breaking down.

  • Range of motion — As knee arthritis progresses, the ability to fully extend or flex the knee may be hindered. This reduced range of motion can significantly impact your ability to do daily activities. 

Treatment options available for knee arthritis

While knee arthritis is a chronic condition without a current cure, several treatment options are available. These treatment options can help manage symptoms, improve joint function and improve your overall quality of life. Common treatments can include:

  • Medications — NSAIDs can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation within the knee joint. Analgesics may also be prescribed to help with pain management.

  • Physical therapy — Physical therapy is an effective and beneficial treatment for the management of knee arthritis. Specially designed exercises can help strengthen the muscles around the knee, improve flexibility and improve joint stability.

  • Aerobic exercises — Low-impact activities like swimming, cycling or walking can contribute to cardiovascular health without straining the affected knee.

  • Weight management — Maintaining a healthy weight is essential in helping to manage knee arthritis. One pound of weight can add up to 4 pounds of pressure on the knees. Weight loss can help alleviate pain and improve your joint function.

  • Injections — Your health care provider may recommend corticosteroid injections to help reduce inflammation and provide temporary pain relief.

  • Surgery — In severe cases where conservative treatments have proved ineffective, surgical options may be considered. Surgical options may include arthroscopy, joint realignment and joint replacement. 

Physical therapy for knee arthritis

Physical therapy can play a pivotal role in helping to manage knee arthritis. Your physical therapist can design a treatment plan around your unique concerns and issues associated with your condition. Effective physical therapy techniques for knee arthritis can include:

  • Manual therapyManual therapy involves a physical therapist using hands-on techniques on affected joints and soft tissue. Soft tissue mobilization focuses on manipulating the muscles, tendons and fascia surrounding the affected joint. Through various manipulation and stretching techniques, your physical therapist can help reduce muscle tightness, increase flexibility and alleviate tension in the soft tissue. Joint mobilization is a gentle, controlled movement of the specific joint, guided by your physical therapist. This technique can help improve joint flexibility, reduce stiffness and promote a better range of motion. Manual therapy aims to improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and improve the affected knee’s overall function by addressing movement restrictions and promoting better circulation.

  • Therapeutic exercises — Specifically chosen therapeutic exercises are a key component of managing knee arthritis. These exercises can focus on helping strengthen the muscles around the affected joint, improving joint stability and the overall function of the knee joint. Your physical therapist will customize your exercise program based on your specific needs and the severity of your condition.

  • Electrical stimulation — Electrical stimulation involves using low-level electrical currents to stimulate the muscles around the knee joint. This can help reduce pain, decrease muscle spasms and improve muscle function. Electrical stimulation is often used as a complementary treatment to help boost the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises.

  • Dry needling Dry needling is a technique used by certified physical therapists. This technique involves the insertion of thin, sterile needles into trigger points within the muscles around the knee joint. This can help stimulate the release of tension, increase blood flow and promote the body’s natural healing processes. Dry needling can be effective in helping address muscle tightness and discomfort associated with knee arthritis.

  • Trigger point therapy — Trigger point therapy focuses on specific areas of muscle tightness, or adhesions. Your physical therapist will apply manual pressure to these points. This pressure can help release tension and improve your overall joint function. This targeted approach can help alleviate localized pain and boost the flexibility of affected muscles around the knee. This boosted flexibility can help improve the mobility of your knee. 

SSOR can help you reclaim your life from knee arthritis

At SSOR, we understand the challenges knee arthritis can bring into your life. Our team of expert physical therapists is dedicated to helping address the symptoms and also empowering you to regain control of your life. We believe in the transformative power of physical therapy. We are here to be your supportive partner in your journey with knee arthritis and can help you to have a more active and fulfilling life. 

Call us or request an appointment today to learn how physical therapy can help you with your knee arthritis.