What you need to know about physical therapy for sports injuries

Sports Injuries

The level of competition in sports puts a lot of physical demand on an athlete’s body. As a result, athletes are at a higher risk of getting injured than the average person.

Sports injuries affect an athlete’s ability to compete in many ways. They can cause athletes to miss weeks or months of training and competition. After recovering, an athlete may still have a long way to go to regain the strength, flexibility and skill needed to keep up with the competition. Fortunately, athletes can improve the speed and quality of their recovery with physical therapy.

Common types of sports injuries

Athletes are vulnerable to a variety of injuries. Depending on the type of sport you play and your level of competition, you may be at a higher risk for one of the following injuries:

  • Sprains and strains
  • Rotator cuff tears
  • ACL tears
  • Fractures
  • Dislocations
  • Achilles tendinitis

Sports injury treatment

Treatments for sports injuries vary depending on the type of injury you have and its severity. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair damaged bones or tissue, but you can usually get by with physical therapy.

One of the main objectives of physical therapy for sports injuries is building strength and flexibility. Stronger and more flexible muscles can reduce pressure off the injured area and improve the structural support for your body.

Other physical therapy treatments for sports injuries include:

  • Electrical stimulation
  • Massage therapy
  • Manual therapy

Sports injury prevention

In addition to helping athletes recover from an injury, physical therapy can help prevent future injuries. Improving your strength, flexibility, gait and balance are some of the ways a physical therapist can reduce your chances of encountering the same injury again.

Visit SSOR for sports injury treatment

At SSOR, our physical therapists specialize in a variety of treatments for helping athletes overcome injuries. During your first appointment, we will evaluate your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you recover as quickly as possible. Contact us today to learn more about treating sports injuries or to schedule an initial appointment.