Why you need Tommy John rehab with a physical therapist after surgery

tommy john rehab

Anyone who has played baseball is familiar with Tommy John surgery. Formally known as ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) reconstruction, this surgery is used to repair a torn UCL on the inside of your elbow. Repetitive forces on the elbow can wear down the UCL and cause it to tear, which is why it is so common among baseball players who spend many hours throwing a ball at high speeds. The force of throwing a ball so hard over and over can cause the injury.

Baseball players aren’t the only ones vulnerable to a UCL tear. It can happen to other athletes too, such as football players. You don’t even have to be an athlete to receive this injury. Anyone is vulnerable to a UCL tear if they repetitively strain their elbow or are subject to a traumatic injury. For example, if you fall and try to catch yourself with your arm extended below you, the impact can cause the UCL to tear.

What is Tommy John surgery?

Tommy John surgery, named after a prolific baseball player, aims to repair the damaged tendon by replacing it with tissue grafted from a tendon elsewhere in your body. This can help reduce the pain and restore your range of motion.

However, recovery from a UCL tear doesn’t stop after Tommy John surgery. You will need hours of dedicated rehab afterward to help improve your recovery and improve the quality of your elbow.

Physical therapy after Tommy John surgery

Physical therapists are health care professionals who specialize in treating injuries and conditions affecting your bones, joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. They can help you prevent injuries like UCL tears, and they can help you recover from them in the event that they do happen.

If you tear your UCL and need to have surgery, you need to visit a physical therapist afterward to help improve your recovery. Physical therapy treatments vary from person to person depending on their needs, but generally they include:

  • Stretches and exercises to improve the strength and flexibility of the elbow. This helps reduce pain and improve movement in your elbow.
  • Manual therapy techniques to help reduce pain, improve range of motion and break down scar tissue.
  • Posture guidance to help you use your elbow without straining it while recovering.

Visit SSOR today for Tommy John Rehab

Have you recently injured your UCL and need to have surgery to repair it? Our team at SSOR can help. We can work with you to prepare for your surgery and to recover afterward, so you can get back to using your elbow and arm for your favorite activities. Contact our team today for more information about Tommy John rehab or to schedule an initial appointment.