3 techniques used in physical therapy for knee pain that you may not have heard about

physical therapy for knee pain

People come to physical therapy for just about every type of pain you can think of, from headaches all the way down to aches in their feet. They will often seek it out when the affected area impacts the basic tasks that they do dozens of times each day, like standing and walking. That’s why knee pain is one of the most common types of problems that physical therapists treat.

There are many physical therapy techniques that can be utilized to treat knee pain. With the expertise of a physical therapist, you can alleviate your knee pain with a variety of treatment options, some of which you may not be familiar with.

We’ll talk about when you should see a physical therapist for knee pain, how it can help and potential treatments that they might utilize to alleviate the ache.

How to know it’s time to seek out physical therapy for knee pain

When it comes to pain, no matter where it is in our body, everyone can be tempted to try to shrug the pain off in hopes that it goes away on its own. Whether it be due to lack of time, finances or fear of bad news, many people push off treating pain. But it’s important to be proactive about treating knee pain to reduce the risk of worsening the damage.

You should visit a physical therapist for knee pain if you:

  • Recently sustained a knee injury, such as a fracture or torn ligament.
  • Have a medical condition that has knee pain as a symptom, such as arthritis.
  • Have persistent or worsening knee pain.
  • Have pain that occurs alongside other symptoms, including swelling and instability.
  • Can’t fully extend your knee.
  • Have a decreased quality of life due to knee pain.

The benefits of getting physical therapy for knee pain

The goal of treating knee pain with physical therapy is to manage the pain while also improving the overall quality of the joint by increasing the area’s strength, mobility and function. It’s especially helpful for those who are trying to recover from an injury or have chronic knee pain, which means that the ache has occurred for at least three months. 

There are plenty of benefits that you can gain from physical therapy, including:

  • Accelerated healing process.
  • Reduced pain and inflammation.
  • Increased muscle strength.
  • Improved stability and balance.
  • Increased range of motion.
  • Reduced risk of future pain and injury.


3 physical therapy techniques for knee pain that you might not have heard about

If you’re experiencing knee pain, it’s important to seek the expertise of a physical therapist. They will perform an evaluation of your symptoms and range of motion to pinpoint the cause of your pain. Then they can figure out which treatment options will be the most effective for your particular case.

There’s no shortage of common physical therapy techniques that can help your knee pain, from hands-on tissue mobilization to targeted exercises. But there are also some techniques that you might not be familiar with, including: 

  • Dry needling — An effective pain management technique that involves the use of thin needles, dry needling is used to help many musculoskeletal issues, including knee pain. The physical therapist uses a sterile needle to stimulate the muscles, causing them to contract and release tension.
  • Muscle energy technique — If your knee has a reduced range of motion due to restricted joints, you may benefit from a muscle energy technique, or MET. It involves the physical therapist applying a controlled counterforce to a contracting muscle. Then the joint is brought to its new barrier.
  • Electrical stimulation — Your physical therapist may include electrical stimulation into your treatment plan, which is a modality that sends mild electrical currents into the affected muscles. The currents can accelerate the healing process by improving blood circulation as well as help block the pain signals.

Specialists in Sports and Orthopedic Rehabilitation provides a variety of physical therapy techniques for your knee pain

Your knees carry your body weight as you move throughout the day, which is why treating knee pain is essential. At SSOR, we pride ourselves on being knowledgeable about a variety of techniques, some of which you might not have heard about. We make sure that we explore every avenue of treatment so that you can be your healthiest self. 

Contact us today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.