Which ACL Graft is Better? We see a lot of people after ACL reconstruction at SSOR. People always ask us all the time pre-operatively what the “best” graft choice is for ACL reconstruction. Unfortunately, this will sound like a total cop out, but there really is no perfect graft choice. There are many factors that
Simple Ways to Reduce Knee Pain Knee pain is easily one of the most common things we see at SSOR. Knee pain happens throughout the lifespan and to people of all activity levels. The sources of knee pain are innumerable – muscular, intra-articular or “inside the joint” (ligament, cartilage), capsular, and osteoarthritis to name a
Back Hurting? Your Hip May Be The Problem Low back pain is arguably the most common condition people come to physical therapy for. It goes across the lifespan, across all activity levels, and can involve a host of pathologies. While there are a myriad of reasons for low back pain, hip range of motion can