Medical “Red Flags”: When Symptoms Might Indicate Systemic Illness One of the best things about the law in Kansas that allows patients to see a physical therapist without a physician referral is that it increases access and increases choice. Consumers can now come see us “off the street” prior to seeing a medical doctor. Sometimes
8 Things Health Professionals Should Say or Ask You When we first meet our patients, establishing a collaborative relationship is imperative to the success of the outcome. The physical therapists at SSOR understand how important this is and make sure that your priorities are addressed in treatment and any fears or anxieties you have about
Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis At SSOR, our team of physical therapists sees lots of runners and lots of runners with plantar fasciitis. Are you having pain in the morning those first few steps that feels like you’re walking on glass? If so, this blog is for you. Did you know that plantar fasciitis is the