Health Blog

Wellness Exam

Three benefits of going to a physical therapist for an annual wellness exam

November 2nd, 2021

When you’re making your annual appointments, make sure you schedule a physical therapy wellness exam. Now, you’re probably thinking, “Why in the world do I need to go to a physical therapy wellness exam when I have a primary care doctor that I go to annually?” Your primary care physician will check on your overall

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Rotator Cuff Surgery vs. Physical Therapy

Should I choose physical therapy vs. surgery for my injured rotator cuff?

November 1st, 2021

Shoulder pain can be debilitating. According to a study, about 70% of people will deal with some sort of shoulder pain at some point in their lives. If you’re looking for ways to relieve your shoulder pain, you’re probably weighing your options: Should you have rotator cuff surgery or opt for physical therapy? Rotator cuff

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I Got Hurt

I got hurt in a car accident: How can physical therapy help me?

October 15th, 2021

Every 60 seconds, a car accident happens. Truth be told, there are few things more terrifying than a car crash. If you were recently involved in a car accident, chances are good that you got hurt. In fact, 4.4 million people experience a serious car crash injury and require medical attention each year. Additionally, auto

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