Health Blog

Oblique Strain

How did I develop an oblique strain and can a physical therapist treat it?

October 14th, 2021

Oh no! You’ve just woken up and tried to roll out of bed only to be met with an intense pain in your side. Now, you’re probably asking yourself, “What in the world is going on?” Maybe you threw the ball too hard and are experiencing a sports-related injury — or, perhaps, your injury is

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Arthrocentesis TMJ

How can physical therapists help if you decide to have arthrocentesis for a TMJ dysfunction?

October 13th, 2021

Did you know that your jaw is the most used joint in your whole body? It is, and it’s called the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ. This joint connects your jaw to your skull — with the help of several ligaments, muscles and an articular disc. What could go wrong, right? The short answer, a lot. 

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Physical Therapy for Ankle Pain in Prairie Village, KS

Three steps involved in an initial physical therapy session for ankle pain in Prairie Village, KS

October 12th, 2021

There it is — that old, familiar twinge in your ankle. Often, it is a pain that you have learned to live with over the course of many years. Other times, the ankle pain is utterly debilitating, causing you to miss out on daily activities.  Are you wondering if you have to just live with

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