What is good for reducing arthritis pain can be different from person to person. However, physical therapists can help you learn ways you can reduce your arthritis pain. Arthritis is one of the most common joint issues in the U.S., and it’s estimated that about 72 million Americans will have doctor-diagnosed arthritis by 2030. Pain
The symptoms of any condition can vary from patient to patient, and people with rotator cuff tendinitis are no exception. Rotator cuff tendinitis occurs when one of the rotator cuff tendons becomes inflamed. The likelihood of this condition tends to increase as we age, and a medical study reports that more than 60% of people
Virtual physical therapy (PT) platforms are popping up everywhere right now. One reason is that it’s harder for people to leave home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and virtual PT platforms can help you access the physical therapy you need. Virtual PT is a technology-based service, and it’s typically accessed through an app or a website.