finger hurts to bend

Finger hurts to bend? Could be trigger finger

October 18th, 2023

Does it hurt to bend your finger? Experiencing any kind of hand pain can be a major inconvenience. The fingers are essential for many daily activities. If you work with your hands, finger pain can make it feel impossible to get anything done. One common cause of finger pain is trigger finger. Trigger finger is

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hip pain when sitting

Hip pain when sitting? Could be these 5 causes

October 11th, 2023

Do you feel acute hip pain whenever you sit down? Experiencing this kind of pain can be frustrating, especially if you spend a lot of time sitting. People who work in an office or in other workplaces where sitting is common may find it difficult to get their job done because of their pain. Hip

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Intermittent Sharp Pain on Top of Foot

Do I need treatment for intermittent sharp pain on top of the foot?

October 4th, 2023

Foot pain is a common but often concerning issue. When the occasional sharp pain strikes the top of your foot, this question might go through your head: Do I need to seek treatment? While the answer can depend on the cause of your pain, it is often best to play it safe. Seeking treatment can

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